Reverse a rake 3

She had just made headlines with the young master of the Robinson Family, and now she was linked to the young master of the Lee Family.

Thinking about these things made Victoria Garcia's head hurt even more.

"Is this an arranged scandal by your company?"

"Sister, how could you think that?" replied Amelia Wilson, looking at her.

Victoria responded, "Because that's the answer I hope to hear."

Upon hearing her say that, Amelia's smile deepened, she responded teasingly, "Then I'm going to disappoint you. It's simply because your sister is so beautiful that I attract so much attention."

"You are really messing around!" Victoria said seriously, "Wasn't one lesson enough?"

Amelia pouted and replied, "Of course I know, that's why I don't take it seriously, it's just about making friends and having options."

Victoria was half-believing of her answer, "Ava, I'm serious. You shouldn't take these things lightly. You've already suffered from them."