Relaxed outside, tense inside 3

"What? Say that again?" Terry Garcia thought there was a problem with his ears and couldn't believe what he just heard, yelling out.

His special assistant was a little flustered by the loud shout, but seeing Terry staring at him without blinking, he had no choice but to continue speaking, "Nurse Collins went to the police station yesterday. Reliable information says that she was caught red-handed trying to harm Victoria Garcia, the patient!"

It was crystal clear in the special assistant's heart why Nurse Collins would try to harm Victoria. She must have been influenced by General Garcia's interests.

Nurse Collins was a person he had investigated, and she had accumulated high-interest debts that were about to be due. Coincidentally, a wealthy man like Terry Garcia appeared, and the two had been old acquaintances somewhat. Given Nurse Collins' character, this transaction must have gone through.