He has his own place to go 5

Clara Brown and Mia Garcia went to confront Victoria Garcia, purely by chance.

Perhaps it was due to their recent streak of bad luck, but on the second day's morning, Mia Garcia actually managed to encounter Victoria in the underground car park. However, Victoria stepped out of a luxury customized car, a car so rare it had only three of its kind in Authority Country.

Mia ran towards her like a madwoman, shouting loudly, "Victoria, stand right there!"

Victoria, who had just gotten out of the car, turned around to see Mia running towards her. Mia was running so fast and fiercely that her **** were jiggling up and down...

Victoria couldn't help but frown. What was she up to this time?

Turning back around, Victoria said to the person inside the car, "Uncle Allen, you go on ahead."

Seeing this, Uncle Allen asked, "Should I wait a moment before leaving?"

Victoria knew what he was worried about, but she confidently responded, "Don't worry, she poses no threat to me."