She is not sick 5

When Victoria Garcia woke up, the first person she saw was Arnold Johnson, who was also the only person in the room besides herself.

"Where's Mrs.Taylor?" Victoria asked, confused.

"She had something to do and left earlier," Arnold replied.

Victoria sat up, shook her head, and said blankly, "Did I fall asleep? But I was clearly talking to Mrs.Taylor."

"During your conversation, Mrs.Taylor helped you calm down, so she let you rest for a bit, and now that you're awake, everything should be fine," Arnold said as he sat next to her.

"What did Mrs.Taylor say? Am I sick?" Victoria asked nervously while looking at Arnold.

Arnold shook his head and said, "Mrs.Taylor said you're not sick."

"Really?" Victoria exclaimed joyfully, but her delight quickly turned to worry. "If I'm not sick, why do I keep experiencing those situations?"

Arnold took her hand, looked into her eyes, and told the truth, "Mrs.Taylor said you were likely under hypnosis."