Can never find her 2

When Arnold Johnson arrived in France, it was 2 a.m.

Someone rushed over and said to Arnold, "Brother Johnson, I'm sorry! By the time I found the flight the Middle East Union took, they'd been gone for an hour. I've sent people to chase after them."

"Even if you have to turn France upside down, I want you to find that man named Luke!" Arnold said angrily.

"Don't worry, Brother Johnson, we'll find him!" Arnold was greeted by the head of a faction within the French gang, although this faction was on the decline. The current head was Louis, a decent man who wasn't ruthless enough. He'd been wanting to leave the gang for a while but never had the chance.

Arnold knew the head of the strongest faction in France, but he was also Arnold's biggest enemy. His name was Leo. Not to mention asking for his help, if Leo knew about Arnold's situation he'd likely pour salt on his wound.

But in France, Louis was all Arnold had.