Wavy's Conclusion 3

Although mocking in his heart, Wavy's hand still consciously moved away from Victoria Garcia's shoulder.

He didn't want to be chased down by Arnold Johnson's icy face.

Soon, the three of them got to the main topic.

When talking about the serious matter, Wavy changed his previous jovial attitude and became serious at once.

"As for Miss Garcia's situation, I heard a brief description from my Senior Sister, but I won't know the specifics until I perform hypnosis on her," Wavy said.

Arnold couldn't help but worry, "Victoria has been drugged several times recently. Can you still perform hypnosis?"

Wavy asked, "What kind of drugs?"

"Some hallucinogenic and daze-inducing drugs," Arnold replied.

Wavy asked, "Has she taken any in the last two days?"

Arnold shook his head, "No, she has been resting for almost three days."