A beautiful night

After Wavy left the room, he made a phone call.

A charming woman's voice immediately answered on the other end of the line, "You dead man, where have you been? You haven't contacted me for so long."

"Well, I'm contacting you now, aren't I? If you're going to be so magnanimous, maybe I should just keep not contacting you."

The woman on the other end of the phone immediately became anxious and said in a sweet voice, "You're just a bad, heartless person. Where are you now? I want to see you right away."

Listening to her eager voice, Wavy casually said, "I'm in room 02 on the top floor of the Gable Hotel. Come and keep me company."

"Alright, give me half an hour, and I'll be there."

Before Wavy could hang up the phone, the woman on the other end had already hung up.

Wavy held the phone and couldn't help but say to himself: Once a woman has tasted the pleasures of sex, she can be even more anxious than men.

For some reason, suddenly, Wavy began to lose interest in women.