Selling Women for Glory 6

Mia Garcia got inspiration from her casual words.

"Mom, I think we can try. If Uncle Lee doesn't want you anymore, we can find another person, what do you think?"

"Find another one? What do you think your mother is?" Clara Brown's face darkened, saying, "What's the difference between this and selling? If I do as you wish and find another one, will the next one be richer and have a stronger background than your Uncle Lee? Can the next one be easily hooked by me?"

"You should know that among your father's connections, Ethan Lee is the richest. Even if you want your mother to be with someone else, it's absolutely impossible to find someone stronger than Ethan Lee. More importantly, besides Ethan Lee's strong Entertainment Circle background, finding someone as good as him for your mother is like finding a good director for yourself."

"Mom, don't overthink it, I didn't mean that this is selling," Mia whispered in explanation.