It really looks alike

Mia Garcia felt like she had a dream, a dream she had never had before. She was not very resistant to intimacy, but she was quite selective when it came to her partners. Although she had experienced two relationships with other men, she had never truly experienced an orgasm. Every time she was close to climax, the man would be done already.

Because her partners were mostly men that she wanted to win over, she was the one who had to compromise more often than not.

But in this dream, she experienced an unprecedented release, an exhilarating sense of pleasure that made her feel as if she was enjoying the ultimate indulgence. She thought such an erotic dream was too good to be true, so much so that she was willing to have the dream every night and enjoy the same pleasure each time.

However, when she woke up from the dream, it was not as good as she had imagined.

Meanwhile, something unexpected happened to Victoria Garcia.