Reject Proposal 2

"Because another woman still holds a place in your heart, I don't want to spend a lifetime with a husband whose heart is divided," Aubree Field confessed. She loved deeply and unashamedly. Yet, she was proud, clear-sighted in all matters. If they married because of this, he would gain temporary relief, she would obtain the lover of her dreams, but only time would tell whether such a marriage would be happy.

If that was the case, she would rather not rush things. She could wait for him, just not now.

"You have to believe me, some things aren't that easy to let go of, but time gradually heals all wounds. As for Victoria, whether in the past or present, she's hard to forget, but she is married to another man. As long as she is happy, I am content," Alexander Mitchell laid bare his feelings, seriously explaining, "As for me, with so much life ahead, I will naturally find my place. I promise you, I will seriously handle our relationship and manage it well."