The Little Schemes at Wine Party

In the following days, aside from going to work, Alexander Mitchell spent most of his time in the hospital accompanying Aubree Field. Even though Aubree told him to take care of his own matters, Alexander still continued to appear at her bedside on time.

It wasn't until Aubree was discharged from the hospital that Alexander stopped spending his nights by her side.

Aubree, seeing all this, was deeply moved. She was confident that she could wait.

Victoria Garcia was unaware of what was happening between Alexander and Aubree.

The gossip and rumors about her continued unabated, with an increasing intensity. Yet no one stepped forward to clarify the situation, adding to the mystery.

Three days after the scandal broke, Arnold Johnson took Victoria to a high-end wine party within the circle.

Usually, such an event would not be open to paparazzi, but this time, Arnold intentionally allowed them to photograph him walking hand in hand with Victoria to the party.