Misunderstood 2

Even if Grand Lady Johnson pleaded for mercy, Leah Chester would have been grateful.

However, to Leah's surprise, Grand Lady Johnson didn't say a word to plead, but simply said to Arnold Johnson, "I won't interfere with your affairs, do as you please."

"All right, then I'll just return the favor in kind for her. Since these drugs haven't entered Victoria's body, let's see what happens when they enter hers." Said Arnold.

Leah's eyes once again filled with shock and terror at Arnold's words.

"No...no...I don't want to live like this." Leah suddenly shouted angrily, "Grand Lady Johnson, why are you so heartless? You clearly asked me to do this, and now you're not even giving me a bit of face."

"I think you're accusing people even as death approaches. When did I ever tell you to do such a thing, and when did I discuss such a matter with you?"