Do you want to save 5?

Without time to think, she heard three consecutive gunshots coming in her direction.

The person saving her had moved quickly. Victoria Garcia didn't realize it was Edward Hernandez until she had a chance to catch her breath. A look of terror permeated her eyes.

"Are you scared or moved by my presence?" Paul was able to speak casually, "I braved minus two degrees to save you. Does this heroic act of mine make you want to offer your body in return?"

"Did you kidnap my sister?" Victoria's first thought was this, because she couldn't understand why Paul would appear at this critical moment.

"Do you think I have that much free time?"

"How did you know I was in danger?" Victoria asked calmly.

Before Paul could speak, the kidnapper yelled, "Victoria Garcia, if you don't come out now, I'll shoot your sister!"

It had to be said that their tactics still proved effective.

Victoria wanted to go out but was stopped by Paul.