It's really just such a coincidence

Frank Johnson leaped forward to shield Evelyn Garcia from the bullet, leaving everyone astonished and terrified.

"Frank Johnson... Frank Johnson..." Evelyn Garcia screamed his name in shock.

Seeing the concern in Evelyn Garcia's eyes, Frank Johnson felt the bullet wound was worthwhile, "I won't die."

"Don't scare me! You are bleeding a lot!" Evelyn, seeing the fresh blood on her hands, was almost ready to faint.

The masked man, Zhao, trembled with the gun in his hand at that moment; he hadn't expected such an outcome.

At that instant, a group stormed in from outside, quickly overpowering Zhao, the sniper, and another accomplice.

"Arnold Johnson!" cried Victoria Garcia, both scared and relieved.

"Are you hurt?" Arnold asked apprehensively.

Victoria shook her head, "Not me, but your niece and nephew are hurt. We need to get them to the hospital immediately."

"Okay, I'll arrange it," Arnold assured her, his gaze falling on Edward Hernandez, who looked out of place.