Fast and Furious

Arnold Johnson sat in the passenger seat, looking at Victoria Garcia's side profile, which glowed softly under the car lights, making him daydream.

"Is it really such a coincidence?" he muttered to himself.

Of course, Victoria knew exactly what he was talking about.

"Do you think she's following me?" Victoria voiced her concern.

Arnold thought about it and felt it was possible, but also unlikely. If Edward Hernandez was really following Victoria, why didn't he feel anything when he was with her?

Arnold believed his reactions wouldn't be that weak.

"After you get back, check your phone or anything movable on you. Oh, and your car too!" Although Arnold had been drinking, it didn't affect him much. Sometimes, having a little alcohol actually helped his brain relax.

"You suspect he planted something in those places?"

Victoria really didn't like being treated this way. If Edward really did such a thing, she wouldn't be polite at all.