Will you marry her 3

After a while, Arnold Johnson said, "Some emotions are inexplicable, just like Auntie Chloe was determined to cling to me, and I was only clinging to Victoria. Chloe could die for me just like I could die for Victoria, but there is a difference between the two. One is unrequited, while the other is about mutual affection."

"If it were you, would you choose a woman who doesn't love you but is madly in love with you?"

Arnold asked in return.

Young and spirited, Frank Johnson immediately replied, "I just want to be with the one I love."

"Does this love include the other person loving you too?"

Suddenly, he was somewhat stunned, but quickly regained his composure, "Even if she doesn't love me, I'll try everything to make her fall in love with me."

It was like a dead end, some people gave up and moved on.

Obsessed ones always thought that one day, you would fall in love with them too!

Some people indeed achieved their wishes.

Some people never did.