Grand Lady Johnson's Worries 2

Arnold walked step by step towards Chloe and sat down by her hospital bed.

"Chloe..." he called her name.

With just that gentle call, Chloe's eyes opened and she looked at Arnold who was now in front of her. Her pale face actually showed a trace of life.

"Arnold..." her voice was very small and weak.

She tried to reach out to touch Arnold but was stopped by him, "Chloe, you're getting your IV right now. Don't move."

She immediately obeyed whatever he said.

"Arnold, did you watch over me all night last night?" Chloe tried her best to speak, her voice still very soft.

If it weren't for the nutrient solution being fed into her, she probably wouldn't even have the courage to speak.

Two days before her suicide attempt, Chloe had already stopped eating. After sustaining such a significant injury, she still hadn't had a drop of water, and her lips were covered with layers of dry, cracked skin.