I want to cooperate with you 3

Chloe Johnson looked at Francis Davis and said, "If you want me to help you deal with those people around Arnold Johnson, I'm afraid I can't help."

The truth is, the protection around Victoria Garcia now might even be stronger than the one around Arnold Johnson himself.

"What, are you scared now?" Francis Davis sneered again, "Haven't you always wanted Victoria Garcia to disappear? Now that you have this chance, you hesitate."

"Although I want her to disappear, I don't want to blatantly let Arnold Johnson know that I'm the one behind it."

"Don't worry. My involvement can divert Arnold Johnson's attention to me. All you need to do is have someone secretly help me hold him back. I believe that you or someone around you can definitely do that," Francis Davis said seriously and earnestly.

Chloe Johnson remained silent and didn't speak.

For her, this was another big gamble.