How many coincidences are there after all 3

"Arnold Johnson called Alan last night when we were drinking. Alan took the call and left me alone. Do you think there was something wrong?" James felt it was normal. If Arnold had any instructions, he would naturally not want anyone to overhear.

Yeah, probably related to a mission, right?

James always assumed that Arnold was discussing the matter of today's major conference.

"You and Alan have always been close. You must keep an eye on him today. If anything unusual happens, contact me immediately. Even the slightest irregularity must be reported," emphasized Chloe Johnson.

At this point, any mistake could spell disaster for the recently improved relationship with Arnold. It would shatter into smoky ruins instantaneously.

So, she must be particularly cautious.

At Victoria Garcia's office, Arnold Johnson called.

"You made it to the office safely?" Arnold Johnson asked.

Victoria responded, "Yes, I'm at work."