Waiting for You 2

In less than a quarter of an hour, they arrived at the hotel.

Francis Davis' hotel was just diagonally opposite Victoria Garcia's company, a seemingly unremarkable hotel.

On their way back to the room, Francis carried Victoria into the room looking as if she was asleep. The hotel receptionist saw them and merely greeted politeIy without asking any questions.

The hotel room Francis was staying in was the largest suite in the hotel, yet it only had two rooms and was far from luxurious compared to those in high-end hotels.

He opened the door to the other room, and its layout seemed particularly eerie.

Luckily, Victoria was unconscious; otherwise, looking at this room would have knocked her out.

Everything was ready.

Francis looked at Victoria lying quietly on the bed he prepared for her with a chilling and excited smile. "Victoria... my Victoria... I'm sorry..."