Mia Garcia's unbearable pain

Now, Mia Garcia reminds herself that she must put away her former arrogance and pride, and she endures it.

One day, she will take everything back.

Before Amelia Wilson could speak again, Mia turned around and left.

Amelia looked at Mia, who just left like that, and thought, "Has she really changed this time? She can actually bear it. It seems that I underestimated her!"

However, climbing over her head is impossible!

Amelia instantly felt that her life was full of motivation, and she was determined to compete with Mia in this lifetime!

At this moment, Mia's phone rang.

"Sis, why are you calling me?" Amelia didn't expect Victoria Garcia to call at this time.

Hearing this, Victoria couldn't help but say, "What, do you find me annoying?"

"My dear sister, I wouldn't dare to find you annoying even if I find anyone else annoying." Amelia laughed very happily.