Advance by retreating 4

If Victoria didn't agree, it would really seem a bit unreasonable.

After all, if the elders were willing to concede, and the younger generation wasn't, it would seem ungracious.

"Mom, may I ask, is there anything wrong with your health?" Samantha Powell saw her arranging her inheritance and couldn't help but worry.

Grand Lady Johnson waved her hand and said, "I'm still waiting to hold my great-grandchild, my health is fine."

"Indeed, Grandma's health is fine," Frank Johnson quickly responded with a smile.

Seeing that Grand Lady Johnson let it go, Samantha Powell chimed in, "Mom, don't worry, I will find several wonderful girls for Frank right now, and you can choose the most suitable one when the time comes."

Frank Johnson's eyes flickered, wondering how the conversation had suddenly shifted.

However, the harmonious atmosphere was not suitable for a dispute, so he did not press on about his desire to marry Evelyn Garcia.