Lower Half of a Man 3

This year, Second Miss Amelia Wilson started making a name for herself in the Entertainment Circle, causing worries due to a constant stream of juicy rumors surrounding her. Meanwhile, her rumoured beaux, Robert Taylor, acted like an obsessed fan, frequently making headline appearances with her, causing a national wave of support for their supposed romance.

Younger Sister Evelyn Garcia, on the other hand, became increasingly soft-spoken, focusing wholeheartedly on her studies. Since her near brush with death, her outlook on life had become decidedly more optimistic and positive.

Still full of life and charm, Hannah Garcia's enrolment in the Special Training Course was delayed by six months, which saddened her greatly. Nobody could any longer dissuade her from wanting to meet her idol - her "God."

The four Garcia sisters rang in the New Year in their old apartment, with a bustling hot pot dinner to welcome a prosperous future.