Lower Half Men 5

In the room, Amelia Wilson's voice stood out more than everyone else's.

She shared a lot of entertainment gossip with everyone, saying stuff like XXX's photos are all fake, in reality, they would pass as a commoner without make-up; XXX always portrays a kind and approachable image to her fans but is actually very arrogant on the film set, and liked throwing tantrums at the crew; As for XX, she's just a prostitute who sleeps with directors, investors and any other useful people...

"By the way, second miss, that Mia Garcia has made a comeback in the entertainment industry, starring in a war drama about prostitutes. I heard that the box office is doing pretty well. How did she manage to get to the top?" asked Hannah Garcia, full of curiosity.

Amelia was visibly irritated when Mia was mentioned, "How else could she come up, but by sleeping around. Last time she even came to me and was cocky, I blew her out straight away."