Special Gift 3

As Robert Taylor was looking at Amelia Wilson, she was also watching him.

No doubt, the rogue is quite a looker.

"Robert, let me be serious with you." Amelia said earnestly, "Whether you're sincerely into me or just pretending, I don't care. What I do care about is that right now, I really don't want to get married. I just want to focus on my own career."

The Amelia of today is far from the one who used to dream only of marrying into a wealthy family.

"Aren't I helping with your career when I keep putting you in the headlines?" Robert looked at her with a smile.

Amelia retorted, "Regarding that, I won't be thanking you. Granted, you have certainly boosted my fame by repeatedly making me a hot topic. But I've also been firmly typecast as the Scandal Queen. So, let's just call it even. From now on, we stay out of each other's paths."

"My river is definitely going to flood your well."

Here it comes! Here it comes again!