Will you have any more children?

She could recognize that little slut Amelia Wilson even if she turned to ashes.

And there he was, Robert Taylor, appearing everywhere she was! The press conference had just ended a while ago, and she had bluntly told the masses they were just ordinary friends. Did he still want to pester her?

"Ava, finally, you're here!"

Amelia smiled at the director, greeted him, and looked at Robert, pulling him aside and growling, "What are you doing here?"

"I'm the investor of this movie. Of course, I can come."

"? ? ? ?" How could she not know about this?

Could it be that she only got the role because of him?

This idea was quickly dismissed; if it was true, how come Henry Campbell never mentioned it to her?

"I strongly recommended you for the role, haven't I been good to you?" Robert said smugly, "Look, your future husband is so good to you. Hurry up and follow me; I'll make you a rich wife and let you achieve great fame."