Wavy's Prank 3

Could it be that Arnold Johnson wasn't successfully drugged by Wavy? But it doesn't make sense; if he wasn't drugged, he would have torn Wavy to pieces!

What on earth is going on?

As Victoria Garcia wonders, Arnold Johnson keeps calling her name, "Victoria...Victoria..."

His gaze makes her feel oddly familiar yet strange.

"Arnold, what's wrong with you?" Victoria Garcia can't help but feel scared.

Apparently, she notices something off about Arnold's mental state. Did Wavy give him fainting medicine instead of something else?

Is Wavy trying to harm Arnold?

Victoria Garcia feels like her brain isn't functioning properly at the moment.

At this moment, the car behind them honks to urge them forward, and Victoria realizes the light has turned green. She has no choice but to drive on.

"Victoria...I'm hot...turn the air conditioning down a bit..." Arnold Johnson tries to hold on, but he knows that his body is acting weird.

He fumbles for his phone, intending to call Wavy.