Seeing a scene that shouldn't have been seen

Bella Lee's presence added some liveliness and had brought back laughter to the family after half a month of gloom. Everyone was happy during meals - this harmonious relationship was what Elder Lee liked to see, and it was one of the reasons why he forced Henry Campbell to marry Bella.

After the Campbell family finished their dinner, Henry naturally had to drive Bella back home.

The spring nights were no longer cold, and Bella, wearing a long skirt, showed more femininity than when she wore her work uniform.

In front of Henry, she always naturally revealed her girlish side.

"Henry..." Bella jumped in front of him, calling his name.

Henry looked at her smiling face, and suddenly, an image of Amelia Wilson's playful and flattering expression flashed in front of his eyes.

"What were you just thinking about?" Bella waved her hand in front of him and asked, "Were you thinking about me? Huh?"

"Just some things," Henry responded indifferently.