Victoria Garcia offers herself in Beauty Trap 3

"I will repay you for saving my life. As long as it's not illegal or against the rules, I, Victoria Garcia, will do my best to help you whenever you need it." This was the greatest reward she could offer him.

Edward Hernandez smiled and said, "I'm not interested in any of that. How about this: if you ever divorce Arnold Johnson, you can be with me."

Saving a life; promising oneself.

That was the best reward.

"Arnold and I won't get divorced," Victoria said firmly.

Yet, Edward laughed, his smile full of implications. "I'm just saying if, if that day comes, then you should marry me."

He didn't mind marrying someone who wasn't a virgin, just someone he had an interest in.

As for this matter, Victoria felt there was no need to discuss it further.

Seeing her silent and without a response, Edward knew that saying more would only be pointless.

"Do you know who tried to kill you?" Edward changed the topic.