Surging Clouds in the Old Villa 2

When Victoria Garcia heard her name mentioned, she responded, "Arnold Johnson and I have the same idea - simplicity is best. As for matters such as betrothal gifts, you can handle that however you like. I'll draft a guest list for you later, and for all other wedding details, you can make the arrangements."

She believed that given Arnold's character, even if the arrangements were left to Old Lady Johnson, he would have his people supervise the process, so no significant problems would occur.

Having said this much, there wasn't much else for Old Lady Johnson to say. If she continued to make wedding preparations alongside Victoria, Arnold might suspect her of causing trouble, so she dropped the subject.

"Since you have obtained the marriage certificate, let me ask you - have you signed a prenuptial agreement regarding your properties?"

To this question, Arnold Johnson immediately responded, "No need for that. Whatever is mine is hers, and whatever is hers remains hers."