The person Amelia Wilson loves 2

Regarding Victoria's disapproval, Amelia lightly laughed and said, "One after another, you all persuade me to break up with him, but I think he's quite good."

Sometimes that's how it is. The more others disapprove, the more determined one becomes to stick with it.

"Robert Taylor likes women, but he prefers men more. So, even if he wants to be with you, it's just for cover." Victoria could easily imagine that men like him would marry a woman just to maintain secret affairs with their male lovers.

Hearing this, Amelia didn't seem surprised. Instead, she said, "It turns out that he really likes men. That's good. It's better than him finding a bunch of mistresses for me later. Anyway, we can each live our lives separately. I didn't expect to marry him, so this is even better."

Victoria was stunned by Amelia's response.

When did her sister's values ​​become like this?