Those indulgent times

Laura, still on the phone, envied in her heart. Sister Ava is indeed fortunate to have such a doting Rich Young Master as a boyfriend, and to have a good career. It's truly a harvest of both love and career!

If only she could meet a kind and considerate man in the future, she thought, blushing at the excitement. It turns out she's yearning for love too...

Robert Taylor sat in his car after hanging up the phone, a slightly improved expression crossing his face.

At first, he thought Amelia Wilson had just randomly picked someone to deceive him. If that were the case, he would have taken her by force tonight no matter what.

But he didn't expect her to be genuinely sick, and so he put that thought aside.

Let her rest for another night. He would visit her tomorrow, and if her condition wasn't bad, he was determined to have her at any cost.

He didn't have much time left, and he felt there was no longer any need to delay this matter.