Goodbye is heartbreaking

Since there was a new endorsement contract to sign, Amelia Wilson, after having lunch, received a call from Laura and hurried to the company.

Of course, Kuro the driver was also in tow.

Upon reaching the company's front gate, Amelia said to Kuro, "Kuro, the company is very safe. Wait for me here, and if there's anything, I'll give you a call."

"Understood, Miss Garcia," Kuro replied respectfully.

Amelia stepped out of the car, and a wave of hot air hit her face.

The noonday Metropolis was already very hot. Amelia was wearing a pair of blue peep-toe high heels, ripped blue jeans, and a simple white tee. Her hair was tied up in a bun, and she wore a pair of asymmetrical hoop earrings. She looked both simple and vivacious, exuding the youthful aura of a teenager.

She politely responded whenever someone greeted her.