Don't attempt to cross the line 2.

That night, when she was in deep sleep,

Victoria Garcia felt as if someone was rubbing something against her face; she muttered something, thinking she was still dreaming, and turned over.

Unbeknownst to her, that rubbing thing followed her turn.

"Go away! Annoying!" Victoria Garcia, still believing herself to be in a dream, didn't even open her eyes.

But the damn thing not only didn't go away, it had the audacity to move closer, even planting a kiss on her lips.

That didn't seem right, did it?

How could she still be getting kissed?

And it felt so real!

Vaguely aware that something was off, Victoria Garcia instinctively opened her eyes wide, only to see a shadow bury itself in her. Without thinking, she kicked out at it.

Caught off guard, the person was kicked right off the bed and made a loud 'thump' as they hit the floor.

A low grunt of pain came from the throat of the fallen.