Bitch suits dog 4

Mia Garcia's heart raced as she looked at his serious expression. She had to admit that Harry Collins was very good-looking, especially those peach blossom eyes, which could be fatal when filled with affection.

Then Harry Collins said earnestly, "I went to Young Lady Lee's wedding today, something you're surely aware of. The wedding was very grand and solemn, and the moment the couple exchanged rings was so moving that I could only think of you. Thus, I came here directly without even attending the dinner, because I wanted to see you, I really did."

This earnestness made Mia Garcia feel as if she was still sleepwalking.

Had she heard him wrong?

Or was Harry Collins just being impulsive?

Was he implying that he was preparing to marry her?

Such matters, Mia Garcia had only ever imagined, but she understood her own status--at best, she might be Harry's lover. As for the title of Madam Third Young Master Collins, she truly never had any expectations.