A sudden slap left him stunned for 3 seconds.

Looking at the whip marks on Mia Garcia's body from the belt he had used, Ethan Lee also felt his anger dissipating.

He extended his hand and gently touched the marks, saying, "You'd better remember this lesson."

Mia lifted her head, nodded at Ethan Lee, and said, "Uncle Lee, I remember, I was wrong, I won't do it again, please don't treat Mia like this anymore, okay?"

Her repentance was impeccable, complemented by the plea of a pathetic damsel.

Even though Ethan Lee's heart was hard, it softened at this.

Even knowing there was an element of acting, he still fell for her damsel act.

Ethan Lee stuck out his tongue, tenderly kissing the whip marks he had made as if he were admiring a work of art, savoring them one by one.

Mia Garcia dared not refuse or fidget, only cooperating with Ethan Lee, letting him kiss and press against her body.

Shortly after, Mia saw that part of Ethan Lee rise once again, knowing he had more demands.