The woman named Julia 3

Chloe Johnson wanted exactly that effect!

Victoria Garcia, you can finally understand your own value, right?

Looking at the photo in her hand, if it weren't for her own eyes that had seen, anyone would think the person in the photo is Victoria Garcia.

However, Victoria knew very well that the person in the photo wasn't her, she had never been to the place in the background, and she had never worn the clothes that the woman was wearing.

The other photo was of Arnold Johnson and a woman named Julia, holding hands on the street and standing at the hotel entrance, probably waiting for the driver to bring the car around.

The one named Julia nestled in Arnold's embrace, his gaze was so tender, just like how he sometimes looked at her.

This touch made Victoria suddenly feel incredibly uncomfortable, even nauseous to the point of wanting to vomit, but she forcefully suppressed it, ensuring she didn't behave inappropriately.