Don't you plan to give me an explanation?

Amelia Wilson saw that he didn't respond in time and grew increasingly irate, raising her voice as she said, "Alexander Mitchell, I'm talking to you, tell me the answer right now."

"Once your sister has calmed down, she'll definitely tell you," Alexander Mitchell said calmly.

Hearing this made Amelia Wilson even more frustrated and she blurted out, "My sister's phone is switched off right now, we can't find her at all, don't you realize how anxious we are? You know why Victoria doesn't want to marry Arnold Johnson, don't you? If you know, why won't you tell us? Could it be that you think we would hurt my sister?"

"That's not what I mean. Some things are better explained by your sister herself. I'm also looking for your sister right now; if I find her first, I'll definitely relay your concerns," he reassured.

Having said that, Alexander Mitchell ended the call.

Looking at the words "Call Ended," Amelia Wilson felt annoyance boiling up inside her, so infuriating.