Is it okay to wake up whenever you're tired of sleeping?

The meal was finally eaten, but it was bland and unfulfilling.

Since Victoria Garcia had decided to use Edward Hernandez to strike at Arnold Johnson, in the end, naturally, it was Edward Hernandez who came out on top.

Although Victoria ate the food Arnold had dished out for her, she served Edward a lot of braised pork, yet she did not pick up a single chopstick of vegetables for Arnold.

Arnold clenched his teeth as he chewed the food in his mouth, eating without tasting, and felt his teeth grinding together noisily.

Each time he saw Edward's smug face, Arnold really wished he could just shoot him and be done with it.

After dinner, neither of them was willing to let the other stay alone in Victoria's room, so both of them lingered. Victoria, having finished cleaning up, looked at the two of them still refusing to leave and felt a headache coming on.

She couldn't help but wonder if using this tactic on Arnold was a mistake?