Sky Thunder Hooks Earthly Fire 3

The two people just stood there, opposed to each other, gazing at each other for over a minute.

And then.

Bella Lee began, "You didn't come home all night yesterday, so I took the earliest flight over today to see what had happened."

"How did you know I was here?" Henry Campbell asked with a faint coolness in his voice.

Bella Lee just shrugged her shoulders and laughed, saying, "If you want to know where your husband is, you can find out if you really want to, especially since your visit here is no secret."

It wasn't a secret? At least, he hadn't told anyone around him.

"You don't need to question anything. I just wanted to see for myself what it is worth staying out all night for. Is it Amelia Wilson who is here?" Bella Lee looked at him earnestly.

Henry Campbell did not avoid her gaze but met it head-on.

"Is this really why you came so early in the morning, just to ask this?"