It turns out they joined forces 3.

Watching Bella Lee's impassive expression, Harry Collins asked again, "At this time, what was Madam Campbell thinking? There's no way she's planning to just let this go, is there?"

"Next time you do something like this, could you have a bit of foresight? If you had told me earlier that there was an issue, some things could have been avoided," Bella Lee said coldly.

Harry Collins did laugh, "Avoided? Are you referring to Mr. Campbell getting into bed with that little bitch, Amelia Wilson?"

She despised hearing Amelia Wilson's name.

Seeing Bella Lee remain silent, Harry Collins explained, "The person I sent out didn't even allow him to take his cellphone, just in case something happened, and I also had him carry a hidden camera to record a second copy, just in case. In the end, something did happen. By late night, the person I sent hadn't sent any information back to me, so I knew something might have gone wrong. On checking, I found out Mr. Campbell had gone over there."