I kept kissing him until we both fell to the floor and I was on top of Haru. This was something I really missed. I'm not sure what happened, but I bent down and kissed him deeply, and Haru kissed me and held my waist with both of his hands, pulling away from my mouth and going to my neck. I moaned aloud as he continued sucking and biting my neck. I'm hoping that doesn't turn into a hiccup. Then he yanked me away from him and pushed me to the floor, where he was now on top of me. The way he looked at me was lustful, and then he began unbuckling my trousers. I can't believe he yanked my sleeve off on such a cold floor. He proceeded to suck my nipple. This arousal was felt within me, I wanted to release so fast, I've never felt this way before, he kept sucking and sucking it and he bit it, while his hand went inside my trouser and stroked my crotch. "What the fuck, Haru?' I moaned and arched my back; this was too much for him; how did he know where to touch me on our first date, and at that? He continued to stroke my crotch and whisper in my ear. "Are you having fun with this?' "Stop it, Haru,' he said as he squeezed it and accelerated. "I haven't even started yet; this is just the beginning,' Haru moaned as well. He was having a good time as well. "Come on, Haru...sto...a… hhhhh.....faster...faster...ahhhhh?' I tried to catch my breath as I poured out my release. "It tastes good,' I thought as I looked up to see Haru taste my cum. "How could you possibly lick that, it's..." Haru interjected and stated. "Would you like another round?" He enquired, smirking. "Haru," I said to him. He bent down and sucked the tip of my crotch before going up and down my length and deeper into his throat before I could respond. I couldn't stop myself from moaning so loudly that I grabbed his hair and began screaming. It was warm, his throat was warm, it was the best feeling ever, and I couldn't have asked for anything more. He was so good at it that I had no idea he was this good. I had no idea. He kept going faster and faster and faster, and just as I was about to let go, he drew away. "What, why did you stop Haru?" I inquired, but he ignored me and proceeded to lick my balls with the tip of his tongue. It was ticklish at first, but then it felt good. "I want to release Haru. I can't wait anymore." I moaned, and he returned to my crotch and resumed where he had left off. He began to move faster and faster, and I couldn't take it any longer and screamed as I shot my release into his mouth. That felt fantastic. Charlotte can't even make me feel this good. I was out of breath and noticed my eyes closing when I heard Haru say. "Wow, your sperm is really a lot, babe?' He was smiling at me, that's the last thing I saw, before my eyes closed. I wasn't sure why I was sleeping, but I heard noises and my eyes were half open, but I was still dizzy. When I noticed Haru on top of me, moaning and stroking his crotch, he continued to stroke faster, moaning out my name. He was lusting after me, and it made me feel important or something I can't really explain. But, I was worried that he'd break his crotch because of how fast he was going. He groaned and poured his sperm on my chest before I knew it. I went back to sleep because I was so tired. This is the first time I've ever released this much. When I heard someone call my name, I opened my eyes wide and saw Charlotte. What was she doing here, oh my God? I quickly stood up, examined my body, and looked around for Haru. The surprising thing was that I was dressed up and the entire place was cleaned up as if nothing had ever happened here. I breathed a sigh of relief. "I've been looking for you all day, as if you'd gone missing, and by the way, why am I always the one looking for you?' Charlotte yelled angrily, and Ava shook her head, as if to say she had nothing to do with this. "Charlotte...' "Please don't Charlotte me. If you wanted to disappear, you should have told me...' "I'm sorry; I wasn't feeling well.' I apologized. I'm at a loss for what to do. I had to apologize or she would bug me to death. She suddenly hugged me tightly, and I reciprocated by smiling and with Ava winking at us. Then I heard her sniffing my neck, I suddenly panicked, and she said as she drew away from me. "Who owns this perfume, it seems like a man's perfume,' Charlotte said as she sniffed it on my shirt, and Ava joined her. If only they'd known it was Haru's smell. He wears good perfume that smells like lemon and is also cool. "It has a really nice, nice smell.' Charlotte inquired after Ava's recommendation. "Where did you get it, and I didn't smell it on you in the morning, or could it be a girl who gave it to you and you didn't bother telling me,' she frowned and stared at me. "Come on, don't be jealous all the time, Haru gave it to him.'' Ava said casually, and I was taken aback. "What!!! Yes, he did give it to you. If he wasn't the one who bought it for you, who did? You and I both know you can't afford this perfume. Just imagine how good it already smells,' Ava exclaimed. "Wow, he's a nice guy, isn't he?' Charlotte said as she sniffed it further. But I'm a little envious of how they're sniffing it. But I already miss him and wish I could have woken up with him by my side. Come to think of it. "Where is Jack?' I inquired.