Chapter 4

Chapter 4

Frederick Claw ~

I watched as the dude who seemed to be the leader of the entire army of lycans placed his hand into a small parchment and brought out a diminutive bottle that appeared to contain a red-colored liquid.

He brought the bottle in contact with his lips and in a single gulp, emptied the contents inside his mouth. He let out a loud and somehow dreadful roar afterwards.

“Now the real battle begins!!!” said the leader fully transformed into a mutant lycan. “Get out of my way.”

Mutant Lycans are very rare and most of all, very powerful. They possessed the powers of the average lycan but just in a thousand fold. I, as a vampyre haven’t seen up to five mutant lycans in my tens of thousands of days and every encounter with one was never pleasant except with the deceased lycan King, Leonard Wolfs.

There was a common reason why the experiences stood never pleasant, the same reason why nature made them rare to come by - EVIL. Mutant lycans were abominations produced by dark magic.

During the war between Vampyres and Lycans, the then lycan king, Finine Wolfs made the ancestral with conjure up a weapon that would aid them win the battle hands down. They were to improve on the abilities and strengths of a lycan and make the lycan creature so great and developed that no vampyre would stand a chance against it.

They were to bring about MUTANT LYCANS.

And they did.

King Finine had the witches experiment on different lycans until it was done. The lab rats, some died while some unlucky ones kept breathing. The king took the potion of mutant lycanism and got transformed just as he wished it.

He ordered that the magical potion be given to 10 chosen alphas who were skilled warriors in battle. Unfortunately, the magic behind the mutant lycans doesn’t work for all but specific bloodlines. Those alphas who weren’t in the ‘specific bloodlines’ turned dark.

As dark as the magic that created them. They were three of them who made it after drinking the potion. The rest were used as killing machines due to their severe lust for bloodshed. Killing became their only purpose. Through them, the lycan army did great damage to the vampyre in the time of war.

Magic, especially of the dark kind, always comes with a price and the king’s price was his lycan nature and his life. His blood line didn’t pay the price because their ancestor had already done it with the ultimate sacrifice.

Before his death, he made the witches destroy everything that had to do with the ‘Potion of Evolution’ so that the monsters he had brought into this world would be stopped while they were in few numbers.

Mutant lycans who weren’t from royal origin, the bloodline of King Finine weren’t known for their good works and as nature should have it, they can only sire a child from their one true mate and her alone but it takes centuries to find their mate and most times, they die before being marked.

As a matter of fact, they are almost immune to silver which is supposed to be the one element that makes lycans of all forms cower in the fear of death.

In spite of the fact that mutant lycans were almost extinct, I never once heard nor saw a lycan that went ‘mutant’ just by drinking out of a bottle. This was my first and by the looks of it, it sure won’t be my last.

But I don’t expect anything less from the mastermind of all this having the power to potionize ‘Lycan Mutation’ all over again. This even made him more dangerous.

“Surprised?” asked the leader in a very deep and shady voice. “Well, don’t be. This is just a tip of the iceberg of what my master can do. With a little of this and a little of that, he can make the impossible... Pretty much POSSIBLE.” He added walking closer to me.

“Now listen, and listen well! Bring forth Alessia from wherever you have her because her trail led here. I give you a total of three seconds to bring her out.” “One!!!” the leader said halting right before my toes with his hairy nature and a brawn that made him terrifying to the eyes.

“I am King Frederick the first! I may not be aware of who the fuck ‘Lord Cassius’ is but if it’s the queen that you are seeking for, forget it! I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again! Get you and your men to turn around and get the fuck out of my forest and back off the royal family.” “You all are outnumbered so I advise you head out while you still can or at the least, while you still have legs!!” I commanded using my sword to increase the diameter of the space keeping myself and the leader apart.

“..Two…” the leader continued totally ignoring what I had just said.

“So be it!” I made all my men who consisted of swordsmen, archers, warlocks and a colony of witches to get in battle formation ready to finish them off.

I could see that they had a mutant lycan on their decks but we had a superior advantage on our side - GOOD. I have slain a mutant lycan once now it’s time to do it again.

It wasn’t easy.

The only difference would be that this time, I’ll make it a lot faster because I need to get to Alessia. I could feel through our bond as siblings that she was in great pain. The bond was getting weaker and weaker until I could barely feel it.

I need to end this madness immediately so I can get to her.

“You had your chance, Three!!!” said the leader before letting out another fearsome howl.

The next line of events happened so fast. The ground began vibrating and before I could make out on what was going on, an army triple the size of the first whom all where mutant lycans came crashing down the hillside.

The rest of the lycans that stood by their leader all drank from a similar bottle and became mutated as well. I was able to take down three mutant lycans in my past.

How do I plan to take down an entire battalion of mutant lycans with a silver blade? How do I expect the archers and the swordsmen and the warlocks to take down such a great number of creatures with weapons made to put an end to lycans but only hurt mutant lycans for a short period of time?

“Bring me Alessia! Leave the young vampyre king out of this! He is mine alone.” said the leader to the army of mutant lycans and then things got worse.

The leader took up a second potion of the former liquid. I didn’t expect that at all. Like the devil that he was, he drank it to the last drop shattering the bottle right before my eyes.

“Rooaaarrrr!!!” he exclaimed transforming to the most horrific and most terrifying creature I had ever seen and heard of.

His transformation kick-started the round two of the battle because it didn’t take up to four seconds before he used his giant hands to bash me against a tree bark ripping me off my sword.

With an incredible speed, he leapt towards my direction and gave me a heavy blow which made me pass through the tree and five others leaving a body-shaped hole in each.

“Pppttt!” I shouted spitting out some drops of blood from my mouth. “Is that all you got? I have leagues of vampyres who can do bett…” I was hardly given the chance to complete my statement before he picked me up and pinned me up to the air and threw me into the night sky.

I went up with extreme speed and fell with a greater speed on the hard rocky earth.

“Trust me! I’m just getting started!” the supreme lycan said taking a wooden log and whipping my face with it leaving a trail of blood.

I was so weak after that. My body was healing as usual but just a lot slower. Using the mind link, I communicated to some men to go guard the gates of the coven and kill anyone of those beasts who dared to try to get in.

A hailstorm or arrows was released not up to ten minutes afterwards into the air by the archers and taking a bunch of them off his shoulder, the supreme lycan stuck them all on mine.
