Chapter 39
Garfield West ~
“Nice! The lycan costume looks pretty great on you. If you were a lycan, you’ll sure make a handsome one.” Red said teasingly with a slight chuckle followed by a broad smile.
“You think I’m handsome in this? You ought to look at yourself at a mirror. You’re gorgeous.” “All these for Ryan McFlame?” I asked sparing her a quick glance.
“You keep saying that but I don’t think I did anything special besides putting on the witch costume and having a mild make-over.” “Hurry up, will you? The festivities start in about fifteen minutes or less.” Red added persuasively.
“I take it that you’ve got your songs ready for Ryan?” I asked.
“Just you wait and see Gar, they’re perfect for Halloween.” she replied. “Charlie and I have been working on it all day.”
At the invitation of Charlie’s name into the conversation, I felt a wave of irritation and jealousy sweep over me.