
Lex estimated how much time he had left and could roughly round it off to about another 20 minutes. This was more than the last few times combined, but at the same time, the Lotus also conveyed to it how waking Lex up was getting progressively harder.

Fortunately, according to the Lotus, Lex would need only two more treatments. The bad news was, for the last one the Lotus requested a special metal that it would need. The worse news was that, apparently, it was extremely rare.

Considering that Lex had just made 100,000MP off of the gamblers who bet against his victory, as well as another 43,000 MP during the time he was asleep, his income was going up but it might not be enough to purchase it in the Guild room.

Well it was lucky that Lex had to make a trip to the Emporium anyway, so he made a small detour before meeting Luthor.