Folklore realm

"Jack calm down!" Tiny-Sparkles yelled in disbelief. Who would have thought that there would be such a day that Tiny-Sparkles would be telling others to calm down?

The problem with Tiny-Sparkles yelling at his fairy friend to calm down was that as a unicorn with dwarfism, he had somehow mutated into being more powerful than almost any other unicorn he had ever come across.

That immense power permeated into every essence of his being, which meant that when Tiny-Sparkles, the unicorn a mere few inches large, spoke, his voice was so deep it reverberated across the land, often causing earthquakes.

Fortunately, Jack had used enchantments on Tiny-Sparkles, weakening him, allowing the unicorn to control himself. Unfortunately, due to their current unusual predicament, that enchantment had worn off. So when the unicorn yelled, trying his best to calm down their captain, his voice shattered the ground beneath their feet, revealing a vast open sky underneath them.