
Lex quickly reminded himself of Seraphines. Just like Hellions were associated with Hells, one of which the Devils took over, Seraphines were associated with Heavens. Unlike the Devils, the Angels only partially controlled Eden. It was worth noting that Heavens naturally gave birth to a subrace of Seraphines, just as humans were just one of the races inside the Humanoid Alliance. That subrace was called Elysians.

Considering that the Origin realm had no natural Heaven or Hell, only pale replicas of them used by Deities for the purpose of farming divine energy from their followers, the presence of Seraphines was genuinely surprising.

Just like how humans could be spontaneously born anywhere in the universe where circumstances allowed, through systematic and orderly evolution, so could Seraphines. But while humans required stuff like water and oxygen, and an optimal temperature, Seraphines required the environment of a Heaven.