Angel baddies II

As a cultivator, and more importantly as an Immortal, Lex had perfect control over his body. He could literally control every individual drop of blood, tense every single muscle and manipulate the signals passing through every one of his nerves.

Obviously, he did not actually take to controlling every fiber of his being because his body was more than capable of operating on his own. Also, while he had increased his knowledge tremendously, he was not arrogant enough to believe he had gained insights into the workings of his own cultivation technique, so he didn't want to inadvertently interfere with anything.

As such, while he was usually aware of countless changes happening in his body, he hardly paid attention to them. Except, when he entered Edgar temple, and glanced at the dozen Celestial Immortal Angels, each one of them stunning enough to put any super model to shame, and his body suddenly underwent a sharp change, Lex was forced to pay attention.