"The Guidance Dome is under the protection of Heaven itself," the Dao Lord said in a solemn voice. "Even Dao Lords cannot interfere without interrupting the Guidance. In fact, if a Dao Lord tries to interfere, they will suffer a backlash. Heavens Guidance is no joke. I want to find out who the hell does maintenance? Why didn't they spot the issue with the lotus?"
Somewhere else in the resort, a janitor who was about to enjoy his lunch suddenly went pale. For some reason, he had a very bad feeling he couldn't explain.
"Sir, what should we do for now?" asked one of the Seraphim in the office. "The guest has been receiving his Guidance for four minutes already, and though we've increased the reserve resources to support six minutes, I don't know how much longer we can keep this going."
For a moment the Dao Lord did not respond, but then shook her head.