The only thing more revolting than the hand itself, a fusion of all that was rotten and disgusting, was the fact that it seemed to be slowly permeating into Jack somehow, infecting everything else.
Jack could see that he had other Karma as well, obviously. There was Karma between him and his crew members. There was Karma between him and his ship. Heck, there were traces of Karma between him and the numerous undead rising from the deathly waters of the river.
The putrid hand was using him as a conduit to slowly infect all those other lines of Karma as well, honing in on them and infecting them as well. The process was slow, and required an immense amount of time. Yet it was also steady, and would eventually infect all that it touched.
Jack had to close his eyes and lean over the side of his ship to retch. It had been a long time since Lex vomited, and technically speaking Jack had never vomited at all. It was not a pleasant experience, to say the very least.